For those of you out there intrepid enough to let your man husk blossom, there are a few things you should know about caring for your fur muzzle to keep it tiptop. Tiptop has nothing to do with manicuring or style. I don’t discriminate between the clean cut George Clooney beards of the world and […]
To Shave or not to Shave Ah, the timeless question… to shave or not to shave. Lucky for the ladies, they can cover up during the colder months. For a man though, unless you are wearing a mask, your mug is out there for folks to see. So for all you guys out […]
Evaluating other shave brands and TICO* From A Cost Perspective I was curious about the price per shave approach to comparing TICO* Shave Oil to some of the more mainstream shaving products on the market, so I decided to conduct an experiment to see for myself and to share the results with you, in the case […]
Men Shaving: What to Shave and When Finding the balance between looking rugged and tame is a tough one, but it is doable. We like our men to be hairy, but not out-of-control. OK, some of us in Austin are bit obsessed with hairy men and long beards, but for everyone else, there is a […]
The History of Women Shaving Did you know that people have been plucking, burning, and ripping out undesirable hair since 4000 B.C.? Honestly, that is one of those fun facts I may not have ever discovered if I weren’t doing a little research. Now I have something interesting to bring up at dinner parties. Cave […]
TICO* Shave Oil is not just for men! Women everywhere are realizing what luxury shaving feels like with TICO* shaving oil; so we steal it from our men until we can get a hold of our own bottles. I have a girl friend in Mexico who borrowed one of my bottles of TICO* shave oil, and […]
What you put on your skin is as important as what you put in it When I buy a food product labeled “organic” I feel like a warrior who just dodged a bullet of chemical warfare. But with the introduction to TICO* shave oil in our lives, I started questioning all of the junk I […]
What Does ‘All Natural shaving cream’ Mean? As a consumer, it can be hard to decipher what all natural shaving cream products are safe to put on your skin and in your body. To make matters worse, marketers have become quite skilled at catching your eye with terms like ‘Eco-Friendly’ and ‘All Natural’. Both terms […]
Toss Your Mach3 and Discover Safety Razors I talk to a lot of people about shaving. A lot of people. Normal dinner conversation for me is asking someone what kind of shaving products and tools they use, what they like, do they shave with the grain or not, what they don’t like, and so on. […]
Coconut Oil For Hair I am 100% vegetarian and about 75% vegan. The extra 25% accounts for the fact that I have a really hard time giving up cheese and eggs when I am in Mexico. I’m trying!! The realization… About a year ago, I began to be mindful of what I was putting on and […]
Hemp Oil is Great for Your Body People tend to whisper if they say the word “hemp” out loud, but we prefer to shout it! Contrary to common belief, hemp seeds are not equivalent to marijuana. They are derived from the cannabis plant, which, when synthesized in a specific way can be smoked as marijuana, […]
TICO* Is An All In One Magic Elixir It’s an interesting thing when you make the switch over to shave oil. You relish in the fact that you stepped out of ‘the norm’ and found one of the best shaving products on the market. Something better. Something different. You realize that you have the ability […]
Yeah, that’s right… Shaving Sucks. Use TICO* and it will suck less. Why does does shaving suck? Well, for the most part it is something we need to do as opposed to something we want to do. To make it worse, the products most of us use, like shaving cream and gels, are simply not the right […]
Choose To Shave Simply If you follow the shaving industry like I do, you can’t go very far without running into ‘The Art of Manliness Shaving’ approach which includes a pre-shave oil, shaving cream, applying that shaving cream with a brush, and then aftershave. Well, I felt obligated to give it a go, after all… […]
A Simple Secret to Getting a Close Shave A close shave…that is what everyone is looking for, right? Can a good shaving cream do it? But what is the best way to get it? Well, one might say that a baby-soft face aside, comfort would be a key factor. I would have to agree with that, […]
Shaving With the Crazies Shaving with devices other than a shaving razor seems crazy, right? Well as I am sure you are aware, the world is full of crazy people, and it appears that some of them adhere to a variety of theories on what devices can be utilized for shaving. I stumbled upon a […]
I love Shaving in the Shower Maybe it’s just because I love showers, but I feel it is really the best way to shave. A hot shower produces a steamy environment that opens up pores and soften whiskers, and makes for a comfortable and close shave like no other. Now, just because you shave in […]
Here Are My Top Ten Shaving Quotes I love quotes of all kinds. Concise statements that carry a lifetime of wisdom, or even humor. So I looked around for some Shaving Quotes, and surprisingly, there are very few good ones to be found. Why are there not more? Shaving is something that most of the […]
Top 10 Mustache Styles There are a number of mustache styles out there, so as your thoughts drift to how you are going to shape your lovely lip hair, you better have the end in mind. Since the dawn of man, facial hair has been a way to express one’s self. Accordingly, I have complied my […]
TICO* Makes Travel Easy Travel and shaving simply don’t mix, at least that is the mantra that most of us have gotten used to. In a time when so many of us are looking to simplify our lives, shaving seems to be a stronghold that insists on an array of products, and all of them […]